Sunday, July 24, 2011

education and experience or whale done?

Summer reading:  Started the little classic Education and Experience by John Dewey that Jorge Nelson and Jonathon Kozol mentioned several times at Constructing Modern Knowledge Conference in New Hampshire. Took a break from it to read an assigned book for school, Whale Done, an animal training approach to business and education that takes its lessons from SeaWorld, where killer whales who are captives in a wholly artificial environment are taught to perform tricks for their captors. Reading these two books up against each other was a high contrast experience. One simplistic and written at about a 4th grade level, one requiring reflection and thought to follow the author into a deep pool. I plan to reread Education and Experience at least one more time and reflect on it more. Whale Done does not require rereading or deep reflection.
Also read and enjoyed War and the Soul about healing PTSD by Edward Tick, Hard Times by Charles Dickens, Chains a historical fiction

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