Saturday, September 3, 2011

end of summer

With my sister's help, we painted one side of the Church of Latter Day Paints. Hannah is a pro and a good teacher too. She was disappointed I wasn't willing to paint the church any color besides boring white. We also went and checked on Ray and Miolner at their new place in Ypsi. Hannah got a new friend, a 23 toed kitty for her little friend Hazel at Kismet Farm.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

fashionistas in the D

rain before the show started, looking into the dressing room

Pop Up #4? Fashion show. Ray and Julia helped out running spotlights. Go Pop Up!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ray and Miolner

New Home for the puppy and the young man. Best of luck to you both. Take care of each other.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Joanne's memorial

Many mentions of Joanne's barefooted hospitality in the south suburbs of Chicago. She created this sense of community through welcome over years, keeping track of loved ones, many many letters sent out acknowledging that you were remembered and honored. We were invisible to each other until gathering for this send off. 4 Butterflies and barefeet, a theme this day. Big lenses on cameras in your face or held inconspicuously enough.
Thank you, Joanne, and all your loved ones that carry on. Didn't bring my camera.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

education and experience or whale done?

Summer reading:  Started the little classic Education and Experience by John Dewey that Jorge Nelson and Jonathon Kozol mentioned several times at Constructing Modern Knowledge Conference in New Hampshire. Took a break from it to read an assigned book for school, Whale Done, an animal training approach to business and education that takes its lessons from SeaWorld, where killer whales who are captives in a wholly artificial environment are taught to perform tricks for their captors. Reading these two books up against each other was a high contrast experience. One simplistic and written at about a 4th grade level, one requiring reflection and thought to follow the author into a deep pool. I plan to reread Education and Experience at least one more time and reflect on it more. Whale Done does not require rereading or deep reflection.
Also read and enjoyed War and the Soul about healing PTSD by Edward Tick, Hard Times by Charles Dickens, Chains a historical fiction

strawbale studio

about as far as you can get from the constructing knowledge experience was stomping cob ( mud mix for building) with feet at the Strawbale Studio in Oxford, MI where Deanne Bednar generously shares her knowledge and expertise on natural building, rocket stoves, foraging

Thursday, July 21, 2011

hot as blazes

Hot as blazes here, Many thanks to Linda and her glorious swimming spot in Paradise. We wrote a haiku in the water:
Swim in liquid love
It's what to do in summer
When the clouds burn off.

Then we helped her friend move furniture in the ninety five degree heat

Ninety five degrees
everybody is testy
moving furniture

yes I know I need the 7, 7 lines too. will add them later

Friday, July 15, 2011

practice practice

here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Saw a black bear crossing the road and swam in a beautiful river already. Becca is napping I could be too.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Paradise Garage, collection of Robert Ray

jonathon kozol and hiedi echternacht

first post

Here's my first post coming to you from the constructing modern knowledge conference day 4 in Manchester New Hampshire. John Stetson is telling Susan about his solar observatory in a Maine juvenile detention center. He's an astronomer sharing his interest and his love. Susan Margolis is able to ask useful questions and god knows she'll have one up and running soon in Danbury Connecticut. Discovering the people here is as important as trying to enter into the tech world they are so comfortable with. I'm a tourist in their world.